地毯草/Axonopus compressus (Sw.) P. Beauv.
Order: Poales
Family: Poaceae
Common name: Broadleafcarpetgrass, carpet-grass, American carpet grass, tropical carpet grass,
blanket grass, lawn grass, Louisiana grass, savanna grass, Kearsney grass, 地毯草, 大葉草Description
Axonopus compressus is perennials; stolons long creeping. Leafblade thin, 5-20 cm long, 8-10 cm wide, broad and with a rounded apex; ligule short, ca. 0.5 mm long; sheath loose, basal ones imbricate. Racemes 2-5,
digitately arranged, 5-10 cm long; rachis triangular, spikelets in 2-rows along
one-side. Spilelets sparingly soft hairy, 2-3 mm long, compressed, oblong,
obtuse; lower glume wanting; upper glume and lower lemma same shape, lower
palea absent; upper floret hard, oblong-elliptic, obtuse, margins slightly
inrolled, ca. 2 mm long, mucronate and pubescent at apex.The mechanisms by which Axonopus compressus adapts to an aquatic environment
Axonopus compressus can withstand prolonged periods of flooding. This grass can survive during flood seasons or after continuous rainfall because it can tolerate low-oxygen environments, reducing root necrosis caused by hypoxia. In aquatic environments, their leaves may become longer and narrower to reduce resistance and adapt to the conditions for photosynthesis in water. These leaves can efficiently use light available in the water for photosynthesis. Their roots have high permeability, allowing oxygen to enter the roots, which is crucial for survival in water-saturated soil.
Ground Cover Grass or Natural Lawn
Axonopus compressus can be used as ground cover under forests or in shaded areas, as well as for natural lawns in gardens.
Erosion Control on Gentle Slopes
Axonopus compressus is also suitable as a planting material for soil and water conservation on gently sloping embankments.
Strikingly 提供技術支援。